In DAX we have several time intelligence functions that are just syntax sugar for invoking base functions with more parameters. Using these more straightforward functions is very convenient, but understanding what happens under the hood is a good idea to better control the behavior of the measures you write.
Many DAX time intelligence functions that “shift” the range of dates passed as a parameter are based on two functions: DATEADD and PARALLELPERIOD. At first sight, they seem similar in the sense that if you have a year selected, both these functions return the dates in the previous year:
1 2 3 4 5 | Sales Amount - 1 Y DATEADD = CALCULATE ( [Sales Amount] , DATEADD ( 'Date'[Date] , - 1 , YEAR ) ) |
1 2 3 4 5 | Sales Amount - 1 Y PARALLELPERIOD = CALCULATE ( [Sales Amount] , PARALLELPERIOD ( 'Date'[Date] , - 1 , YEAR ) ) |
These two measures return the same value for each year.
However, we can see the differences as soon as we drill down to the month level.
The month level shows different numbers: for DATEADD we have the value of the same month in the previous year, whereas for PARALLELPERIOD we always get the total for the whole previous year, regardless of the month selected.
One last explanation about the total: The value is the same for DATEADD and PARALLELPERIOD because it returns all the years, but the last one is in the Date table. The row with the total has an empty filter context; the entire content of the Date table (from 2017 to 2020) is passed to the time intelligence functions, which return the 2017-2019 range of years (because 2016 is not present in the Date table).
Thus, it seems that DATEADD and PARALLELPERIOD display the same behavior when we consider the same level of the interval argument (YEAR in the examples) and a different behavior when we consider a more detailed level than the one passed to the interval argument, such as the month. In reality, there are a few more details that are worth knowing.
Understanding DATEADD
The algorithm implemented in DATEADD analyzes the calendar months specified in the first argument.
- If the interval is DAY, every Date[Date] value is shifted by the number of intervals specified. The last day of the shifted month is returned if the day does not exist in the shifted month.
- If the interval is MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR, then for each month:
- If all the days of the month are selected, then the entire month is shifted by the number of intervals specified.
- If not all the days of the month are selected, then each day is shifted by the number of intervals specified.
Remember that when it comes to the DAX time intelligence functions, saying that an entire month is selected means that all the values in the Date table for that month are visible in the filter context. This algorithm is required to return the 31 days in January in case February (which has only 28 or 29 days) is selected. Indeed, the only column used is Date[Date]; the other columns in the Date table are unknown to the time intelligence functions.
For example, the following query shifts the days in February back by one day:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | EVALUATE VAR February2019 = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2019-02-01" , dt "2019-02-28" ) VAR ApplyDateAdd = DATEADD ( February2019 , - 1 , DAY ) VAR Result = ROW ( "MIN" , MINX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "MAX" , MAXX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "Days" , COUNTROWS ( ApplyDateAdd ) ) RETURN Result |
MIN | MAX | Days |
2019-01-31 | 2019-02-27 | 28 |
The result is still 28 days, from 1/31/2019 to 2/27/2019. If we shift for one month, the result includes a different number of days:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | EVALUATE VAR February2019 = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2019-02-01" , dt "2019-02-28" ) VAR ApplyDateAdd = DATEADD ( February2019 , - 1 , MONTH ) VAR Result = ROW ( "MIN" , MINX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "MAX" , MAXX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "Days" , COUNTROWS ( ApplyDateAdd ) ) RETURN Result |
MIN | MAX | Days |
2019-01-01 | 2019-01-31 | 31 |
The result is now 31 days, the number of days in January: DATEADD received 28 days and returned 31. If we include a full month and a few days of another month, then DATEADD applies two different rules depending on the month. For example, if we provide the range from February 1st to March 10th, the input has 38 days:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | EVALUATE VAR FebruaryMarch2019 = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2019-02-01" , dt "2019-03-10" ) VAR ApplyDateAdd = DATEADD ( FebruaryMarch2019 , - 1 , MONTH ) VAR Result = ROW ( "MIN" , MINX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "MAX" , MAXX ( ApplyDateAdd , 'Date'[Date] ) , "Days" , COUNTROWS ( ApplyDateAdd ) ) RETURN Result |
MIN | MAX | Days |
2019-01-01 | 2019-02-10 | 41 |
The result is 41 days: 31 days in January 2019, plus the first 10 days in February 2019.
DATEADD also applies the month-based algorithm when the interval is QUARTER or YEAR. This way, DATEADD respects the different number of days in months and quarters, such as an additional day in leap years.
The algorithm implemented in PARALLELPERIOD is based on the interval specified in the third argument. For each interval with at least one value in Date[Date], the function returns the entire interval shifted by the number of specified intervals. PARALLELPERIOD can use YEAR, QUARTER, and MONTH, and does not support the DAY interval.
For example, we can provide the range of dates between February 1st and March 10th, or just one day in February and one in March: the result is the same for YEAR, QUARTER, and MONTH. By specifying 0 in the second argument, the result returns the current interval for the dates specified in the first argument:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | EVALUATE VAR Selection = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2019-02-01" , dt "2019-03-10" ) // You can replace DATESBETWEEN with just two days, // one in each February and one in March: // the result is the same // // TREATAS ( { dt"2019-02-01", dt"2019-03-10" }, 'Date'[Date] ) VAR CurrentYear = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , 0 , YEAR ) VAR CurrentQuarter = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , 0 , QUARTER ) VAR CurrentMonth = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , 0 , MONTH ) VAR Result = SELECTCOLUMNS ( { ( "CurrentYear" , MINX ( CurrentYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( CurrentYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( CurrentYear ) ) , ( "CurrentQuarter" , MINX ( CurrentQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( CurrentQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( CurrentQuarter ) ) , ( "CurrentMonth" , MINX ( CurrentMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( CurrentMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( CurrentMonth ) ) } , "Transformation" , [Value1] , "MIN" , [Value2] , "MAX" , [Value3] , "Days" , [Value4] ) RETURN Result |
Transformation | MIN | MAX | Days |
CurrentYear | 2019-01-01 | 2019-12-31 | 365 |
CurrentQuarter | 2019-01-01 | 2019-03-31 | 90 |
CurrentMonth | 2019-02-01 | 2019-03-31 | 59 |
By using a negative number, PARALLELPERIOD retrieves periods back in time. For example, by using -1, PARALLELPERIOD returns the previous periods for each of the intervals detected in the input:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | EVALUATE VAR Selection = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2019-02-01" , dt "2019-03-10" ) // You can replace DATESBETWEEN with just two days, // one in February and one in March: // the result is the same // // TREATAS ( { dt"2019-02-01", dt"2019-03-10" }, 'Date'[Date] ) VAR _PreviousYear = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , - 1 , YEAR ) VAR _PreviousQuarter = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , - 1 , QUARTER ) VAR _PreviousMonth = PARALLELPERIOD ( Selection , - 1 , MONTH ) VAR Result = SELECTCOLUMNS ( { ( "PreviousYear" , MINX ( _PreviousYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousYear ) ) , ( "PreviousQuarter" , MINX ( _PreviousQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousQuarter ) ) , ( "PreviousMonth" , MINX ( _PreviousMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousMonth ) ) } , "Transformation" , [Value1] , "MIN" , [Value2] , "MAX" , [Value3] , "Days" , [Value4] ) RETURN Result |
Transformation | MIN | MAX | Days |
PreviousYear | 2018-01-01 | 2018-12-31 | 365 |
PreviousQuarter | 2018-10-01 | 2018-12-31 | 92 |
PreviousMonth | 2019-01-01 | 2019-02-28 | 59 |
We used as input the same range or set of dates in February and March for the example that returns the current period. In this case, we get:
- All of 2018 for YEAR;
- Q4 of 2018 for QUARTER (our input dates are in Q1 2019);
- January and February of 2019 for MONTH (our input dates are within February and March 2019).
Functions that use DATEADD or PARALLELPERIOD
The SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR function is the only one that internally uses DATEADD. Indeed, when you write:
1 | SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR ( 'Date'[Date] ) |
In reality, the code executed is the following:
1 | DATEADD ( 'Date'[Date] , - 1 , YEAR ) |
We call this “syntax sugar”: SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR is just a different way to invoke DATEADD without specifying the second and third arguments, which are always -1 and YEAR. These functions simplify writing the code, making it more readable – however, there are no differences between using one syntax or the other.
There are another eight functions that are “syntax sugar” for DATEADD or PARALLELPERIOD, but they always return a single interval even if the input has multiple periods:
- PREVIOUSDAY: Returns the day before the first day of the selected dates.
- PREVIOUSMONTH: Returns the whole month before the first day of the selected dates.
- PREVIOUSQUARTER: Returns the whole quarter before the first day of the selected dates.
- PREVIOUSYEAR: Returns the whole year before the first day of the selected dates.
- NEXTDAY: Returns the day after the last day of the selected dates.
- NEXTMONTH: Returns the whole month after the last day of the selected dates.
- NEXTQUARTER: Returns the whole quarter after the last day of the selected dates.
- NEXTYEAR: Returns the whole year after the last day of the selected dates.
In the last examples of PARALLELPERIOD, we used variable names such as _PreviousMonth, _PreviousQuarter, and _PreviousYear. However, the corresponding DAX functions have a slightly different behavior: they only use the first of the selected dates, so the result has no more than one interval (day, month, quarter, or year). PREVIOUSMONTH, PREVIOUSQUARTER, and PREVIOUSYEAR internally use PARALLELPERIOD with FIRSTDATE, whereas PREVIOUSDAY uses DATEADD with FIRSTDATE. The functions with a NEXT prefix use the same technique, providing a positive number of intervals and LASTDATE instead of FIRSTDATE as input.
The following code shows, for each PREVIOUS*/NEXT* function, the corresponding syntax using DATEADD/PARALLELPERIOD in the following line:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | PREVIOUSYEAR ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ) , - 1 , YEAR ) PREVIOUSQUARTER ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ) , - 1 , QUARTER ) PREVIOUSMONTH ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ) , - 1 , MONTH ) PREVIOUSDAY ( Selection ) DATEADD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ) , - 1 , DAY ) NEXTYEAR ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ) , 1 , YEAR ) NEXTQUARTER ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ) , 1 , QUARTER ) NEXTMONTH ( Selection ) PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ) , 1 , MONTH ) NEXTDAY ( Selection ) DATEADD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ) , 1 , DAY ) |
The following example shows that PREVIOUS* functions are based on the first date in the input dates, whereas the NEXT* functions are based on the last date in the input dates:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 | EVALUATE VAR Selection = DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date] , dt "2018-02-12" , dt "2019-03-10" ) // You can replace DATESBETWEEN with just two days, // one in February and one in March: // the result is the same // // TREATAS ( { dt"2018-02-12", dt"2019-03-10" }, 'Date'[Date] ) VAR _PreviousYear = PREVIOUSYEAR ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ), -1, YEAR ) VAR _PreviousQuarter = PREVIOUSQUARTER ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ), -1, QUARTER ) VAR _PreviousMonth = PREVIOUSMONTH ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ), -1, MONTH ) VAR _PreviousDay = PREVIOUSDAY ( Selection ) // DATEADD ( FIRSTDATE ( Selection ), -1, DAY ) VAR _NextYear = NEXTYEAR ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ), 1, YEAR ) VAR _NextQuarter = NEXTQUARTER ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ), 1, QUARTER ) VAR _NextMonth = NEXTMONTH ( Selection ) // PARALLELPERIOD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ), 1, MONTH ) VAR _NextDay = NEXTDAY ( Selection ) // DATEADD ( LASTDATE ( Selection ), 1, DAY ) VAR Result = SELECTCOLUMNS ( { ( "PreviousYear" , MINX ( _PreviousYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousYear ) ) , ( "PreviousQuarter" , MINX ( _PreviousQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousQuarter ) ) , ( "PreviousMonth" , MINX ( _PreviousMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousMonth ) ) , ( "PreviousDay" , MINX ( _PreviousDay , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _PreviousDay , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _PreviousDay ) ) , ( "NextYear" , MINX ( _NextYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _NextYear , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _NextYear ) ) , ( "NextQuarter" , MINX ( _NextQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _NextQuarter , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _NextQuarter ) ) , ( "NextMonth" , MINX ( _NextMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _NextMonth , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _NextMonth ) ) , ( "NextDay" , MINX ( _NextDay , 'Date'[Date] ) , MAXX ( _NextDay , 'Date'[Date] ) , COUNTROWS ( _NextDay ) ) } , "Transformation" , [Value1] , "MIN" , [Value2] , "MAX" , [Value3] , "Days" , [Value4] ) RETURN Result |
Transformation | MIN | MAX | Days |
PreviousYear | 2017-01-01 | 2017-12-31 | 365 |
PreviousQuarter | 2017-10-01 | 2017-12-31 | 92 |
PreviousMonth | 2018-01-01 | 2018-01-31 | 31 |
PreviousDay | 2018-02-11 | 2018-02-11 | 1 |
NextYear | 2020-01-01 | 2020-12-31 | 366 |
NextQuarter | 2019-04-01 | 2019-06-30 | 91 |
NextMonth | 2019-04-01 | 2019-04-30 | 30 |
NextDay | 2019-03-11 | 2019-03-11 | 1 |
The main difference between using PREVIOUS*/NEXT* functions instead of PARALLELPERIOD is the behavior when multiple intervals are selected. This difference is especially visible in the total: PREVIOUSYEAR displays the same behavior as PARALLELPERIOD when a single year or month is selected, but PREVIOUSYEAR returns blank whenever multiple years are in the filter context, like in the total.
Sales Amount PREVIOUSYEAR returns blank in the total row because it tries to retrieve 2016, the year before the first year within the Date table (2017). The result is blank because there are no dates in Date before 2017.
In contrast, the Sales Amount -1 PARALLELPERIOD measure returns the total sum of all the years in the Date table except the last one (2020).
Thus, PARALLELPERIOD is used by PREVIOUS*/NEXT* time intelligence functions together with the FIRSTDATE/LASTDATE functions to reduce the selection to a single interval – which explains the different behavior we observed in the last examples.
The time intelligence functions in DAX are often a shortcut to invoking a longer syntax. DATEADD and PARALLELPERIOD are no exceptions: they are similar when used to compare one of the intervals specified in the argument but differ when used at different granularities when multiple intervals are involved. This behavior affects the functions derived from them: SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, FIRSTDAY, FIRSTMONTH, FIRSTQUARTER, FIRSTYEAR, LASTDAY, LASTMONTH, LASTQUARTER, and LASTYEAR internally use DATEADD, PARALLELPERIOD, FIRSTDATE, and LASTDATE. Make sure you control the behavior of your measures by paying attention to the expanded syntax before choosing the time intelligence function to use.
Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval.
DATEADD ( <Dates>, <NumberOfIntervals>, <Interval> )
Returns a parallel period of dates by the given set of dates and a specified interval.
PARALLELPERIOD ( <Dates>, <NumberOfIntervals>, <Interval> )
Returns the year of a date as a four digit integer.
YEAR ( <Date> )
Returns a number from 1 to 31 representing the day of the month.
DAY ( <Date> )
Returns a number from 1 (January) to 12 (December) representing the month.
MONTH ( <Date> )
Returns a number from 1 (January-March) to 4 (October-December) representing the quarter.
QUARTER ( <Date> )
Returns a set of dates in the current selection from the previous year.
Returns a previous day.
Returns a previous month.
Returns a previous quarter.
Returns a previous year.
PREVIOUSYEAR ( <Dates> [, <YearEndDate>] )
Returns a next day.
NEXTDAY ( <Dates> )
Returns a next month.
NEXTMONTH ( <Dates> )
Returns a next quarter.
Returns a next year.
NEXTYEAR ( <Dates> [, <YearEndDate>] )
Returns first non blank date.
FIRSTDATE ( <Dates> )
The Next function retrieves a value in the next row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid.
NEXT ( <Expression> [, <Steps>] [, <Axis>] [, <Blanks>] [, <Reset>] )
Returns last non blank date.
LASTDATE ( <Dates> )
The Previous function retrieves a value in the previous row of an axis in the Visual Calculation data grid.
PREVIOUS ( <Expression> [, <Steps>] [, <Axis>] [, <Blanks>] [, <Reset>] )