I recently wrote an article about how to Create Static Tables in DAX Using the DATATABLE Function. Such a new DAX feature (the DATATABLE function) will be likely used in the upcoming Analysis Services Tabular 2016, but it is not used neither in Power BI nor in Power Pivot to create static table. For this reason, I think that it could be useful to do a quick recap of all the methods available if you need a table with fixed static data in your data model.

  • Power Pivot
    • Linked Tables: you can create a table in Excel with static data and import it in a data model using the Linked Table feature. However, this is technically not a “static” table, it can be refreshed with new data and the table in Excel can be dynamic, as shown in the article describing the “Linkback Tables in Power Pivot for Excel 2013”.
    • Paste data from Clipboard: if you copy a table in the clipboard and paste it in Power Pivot, the data model has a correspondent table that also contains data definition in model metadata. You cannot modify the content later, unless you use the Paste Replace feature of Power Pivot. Technically, the content is included in the XML defining the data model, but you do not have any access to it in Power Pivot.
  • Power BI Desktop:
    • Enter Data: the Enter Data feature in Power BI Desktop allows you to enter data manually in a table, and you can also paste data from the clipboard using this user interface, which allows you to modify the content of this static table later, after the paste operation. The content is stored in a string using a compressed and encoded JSON format. Such a string is extracted in an M transformation using calls to nested calls Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText(…))))
    • Calculated Table using DATATABLE function: you can also create a calculated table using DATATABLE, as explained in the article I previously mentioned.
  • Analysis Services 2012/2014/2016 (until model version 1103):
    • Paste data from Clipboard: similar to what you do in Excel Power Pivot. The only difference is that you can modify the static content defining in the data model by manipulating the .BIM file with a text editor. The content of the table is defined in an XML schema.
    • Linked Tables imported from an Excel data model: they are defined in the data model exactly as you would define a static table using Paste Data from Clipboard feature.
  • Analysis Services 2016 (from model version 1200):
    • Paste data from Clipboard: such a feature is not yet implemented (in CTP 3.2) and you get the error message “TOM does not yet support pushed tables” if you try to execute it. Because the model version 1200 does not store data in XML, I **suppose** they will implement the static table as a calculated table using the DATATABLE function, just as you might already do manually in Power BI Desktop. I will update this blog post later when a new CTP or RTM will support such a feature.

I hope this schema will help you making a decision about the technique to use in this scenario.


Returns a table with data defined inline.

DATATABLE ( <name>, <type> [, <name>, <type> [, … ] ], <data> )