Mastering DAX Video Course

This is the video course version of the Mastering DAX workshop.
DAX is the native language of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and SSAS Tabular models in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. The training is aimed at users of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and at Analysis Services developers that want to learn and master the DAX language.

The goal of the course is to teach all the features of DAX, providing the knowledge to write formulas for common and advanced business scenarios. The video course is made up of over 15 hours of lectures, plus another 15-20 hours of individual exercises. You can watch the videos at anytime and the system will keep track of your progress. Within the course you can download the material for all the exercises.

Students have access to a private discussion area where they can interact with the instructors asking questions related to the lectures and the exercises.

Collapse allCurriculum

  • Presentation of Mastering DAX 2nd Edition

    • Presentation of Mastering DAX 2nd Edition
  • Exercises, labs, slides, and demos

    • Exercises, labs, slides, and demos
    • How to download and complete exercises
    • Download exercises
    • Download demos
    • Slides of the video course
  • Introduction to DAX

    • Introduction to DAX
    • What is DAX?
    • DAX data types
    • Calculated columns
    • Measures
    • Aggregation functions
    • Counting values
    • Conditional functions
    • Handling errors
    • Using variables
    • Mathematical functions
    • Relational functions
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 02.10 - Average sales per customer
      • 02.20 - Average delivery time
      • 02.50 - Last update of customer
      • 02.40 - Working days
      • 02.30 - Discount categories
  • Table functions

    • Table functions
    • Introduction to table functions
    • Filtering a table
    • Ignoring filters
    • Mixing filters
    • Distinct
    • How many values for a column
    • Tables and relationships
    • Tables with one row and one column
    • Table variables
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 03.20 - Percentage of sales
      • 03.10 - Delivery working days
      • 03.40 - Sales of products in the first week
      • 03.30 - Customers with children
  • Evaluation contexts

    • Evaluation contexts
    • Introduction to evaluation contexts
    • Filter context
    • Row context
    • Context errors
    • Filtering a table
    • Using RELATED in a row context
    • Ranking by price
    • Evaluation contexts and relationships
    • Filters and relationships
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 04.10 - Nested iterators
      • 04.20 - Customers in North America
      • 05.10 - Create a parameter table
  • The CALCULATE function

    • The CALCULATE function
    • CALCULATE examples
    • CALCULATE recap
    • What is a filter context?
    • CALCULATE operators
    • Use one column only in compact syntax
    • Variables and evaluation contexts
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 05.05 - Sales of red and blue products
      • 05.20 - Understanding CALCULATE
      • 05.25 - Sales of blue products
      • 05.15 - Computing percentages
  • Advanced evaluation contexts

    • Advanced evaluation contexts
    • CALCULATE modifiers
    • ALL
    • Context transition
    • Context transition /2
    • Circular dependency
    • CALCULATE execution order
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 05.35 - Correct sales of grey products
      • 05.40 - Best customers
      • 05.45 - Customers buying many products
      • 05.50 - Large sales
      • 05.30 - Percentage of customers
      • 05.55 - Counting spikes
  • Iterators

    • Iterators
    • Working with iterators
    • MINX and MAXX
    • Useful iterators
    • RANKX
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 07.10 - Ranking customers (static)
      • 07.20 - Ranking customers (dynamic)
      • 07.30 - Date with the highest sales
      • 07.40 - Moving average
  • Building a date table

    • Building a date table
    • Introduction to date table
    • Auto Date/Time
    • Mark as date table
    • Using multiple dates
  • Time intelligence in DAX

    • Time intelligence in DAX
    • What is time intelligence?
    • Time intelligence functions
    • Running total
    • Mixing time intelligence functions
    • Semi-additive measures
    • Calculations over weeks
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 08.10 - Running total
      • 08.20 - Comparison YOY%
      • 08.30 - Sales in first three months
      • 08.40 - Semi-additive calculations
  • Hierarchies in DAX

    • Hierarchies in DAX
    • What are hierarchies?
    • Percentages over hierarchies
    • Parent-child hierarchies
  • Querying with DAX

    • Querying with DAX
    • Working with tables and queries
    • Tables and relationships
    • Query measures
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 13.10 - Sales by year
      • 13.20 - Filtering and grouping sales
      • 13.30 - Using TOPN and GENERATE
      • 13.40 - Sales to top customers
      • 13.50 - Sales of top three colors
  • Data lineage and TREATAS

    • Data lineage and TREATAS
    • What is data lineage?
  • Expanded tables

    • Expanded tables
    • Filters are tables
    • Difference between base tables and expanded tables
    • Filtering a column
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 14.10 - Distinct count of countries
      • 14.20 - Sales quantity greater than two
  • Arbitrarily shaped filters

    • Arbitrarily shaped filters
    • What are arbitrarily shaped filters?
    • Example of an arbitrarily shaped filter
  • ALLSELECTED and shadow filter contexts

    • ALLSELECTED and shadow filter contexts
    • Shadow filter contexts
  • Segmentation

    • Segmentation
    • Static segmentation
    • Circular dependency in calculated tables
    • Dynamic segmentation
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 15.10 - Static segmentation
  • Many-to-many relationships

    • Many-to-many relationships
    • How to handle many-to-many relationships
    • Bidirectional filtering
    • Expanded table filtering
    • Comparison of the different techniques
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 15.30 - Many-to-many relationships
  • Ambiguity and bidirectional filters

    • Ambiguity and bidirectional filters
    • Understanding ambiguity
  • Relationships at different granularities

    • Relationships at different granularities
    • Working at different granularity
    • Using TREATAS
    • Calculated tables to slice dimensions
    • Leveraging weak relationships
    • Scenario recap
    • Checking granularity in the report
    • Hiding or reallocating
  • Additional exercises

    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 14.30 - Same product sales
      • 14.40 - Commentary on report
      • 15.20 - New customers
  • Calculation groups

    • Calculation groups
    • Introducing calculation groups
    • Basic measures
    • Calculation items are patterns
    • Creating calculation groups
    • Changing the format string
    • Excluding specific measures
    • Using calculation items in DAX
    • Calculation item application
    • Calculation items on complex expressions
    • Multiple calculation groups in a report
    • Understanding precedence in calculation groups
    • Reusing calculation items
    • Recursion and best practices
    • Exercises
    • Exercises solutions
      Added Nov 20, 2020

      • Exercises solutions
      • 09.10 - Time calculations
      • 09.20 - Multiple calculation groups
      • 09.30 - Sold versus delivered
      • 09.40 - Min, Max and Avg calculation group
      • 09.50 - Top and bottom products
Student Rating
562 ratings
Student Reviews (300)
  • Thomas Grieb (Aug 12, 2024)

    The course covered all important aspects of DAX. However, I am a bit disappointed about the teaching qualities of the lecturers. Many concepts are described only verbally instead of using adequate graphs and sketches to help understand what is being explained. For example in section "Example of an arbitrarily shaped filter", there is a difficult concept mostly verbally explained from time stamp 3:45 onward. The lecturer then goes on to explain while there are two rows in the left hand table, there should actually be four. The months columns are filtered by the other filter but, at the end, there are still iterations going over four months. All of this is quite confusing and it would have helped to use a concrecte example with simple numbers in outlining what the lecturer has explained. There are many more of these example which I find unfortunate.

  • Nicolas Demers (Aug 4, 2024)

    Very good, well organized and complete coverage of DAX formula expression language. I loved the way information and material was disseminated. I enjoyed greatly the addition of exercise videos. I also appreciated when you shared new tools like the Finnally, Alberto & Marco, despite your great level of mastery (DAX Jedi) you were able to transfer your knowlege and experience in an easy and accessible manner for your little DAX Padawan! KUDO for this great video course.

  • Jen Zelmanski (Jul 29, 2024)

    If you want to learn it right, the SQLBI guys are your source. Hands down. I'm not sure anyone in the world knows the ins and outs of DAX as deeply and thoroughly as they do, and they understand what confuses students and they know how to 1st - teach the concepts needed to understand DAX and 2nd - explain tricky subjects and aspects of DAX.

  • Priyanka K (Jul 17, 2024)


  • Varisha Giridhar, Santosh Kumar (Jul 17, 2024)

    Very Nice and helpful videos, explained very well each and every topics. Learned a lot from these videos. Thanks

  • Jacopo Bosotti (Jul 1, 2024)

    The course is very complete and allowed me, since the begging, to use DAX in my power BI reports and bring them to the next level. Although, I think there are same basic concepts especially for the data model part which are omitted here and I would like to deep dive in.

    • Hi Jacopo, We dedicated an entire video course to data modeling. Please look for the "Data Modeling for Power BI" video course and start with the free trial to see if that is what you were looking for! Thanks, Claire
      Reply by Claire Costa (Jul 1, 2024)
  • Varisha Giridhar, Santosh Kumar (Jun 20, 2024)

    Very Nice Explanation of each and every objective, thank you for such a detail level explanation and making this video helping a lot in my daily work and understanding each topic.

  • Rommel Abrau (Jun 17, 2024)


  • Tom-Louis Sawicki (Jun 7, 2024)

    Was really great!

  • Annelien van der Heide (Jun 2, 2024)

    Great course learn so much new stuff!

  • Nestor Adrianzen (May 5, 2024)

    Great job, Marco and Alberto. The exercises provided make you put all your DAX knowledge into practice.

  • Nicholas Brus (May 2, 2024)

    Absolutely fantastic course! I have watched all the videos once, to get a feel for the content, and I am now watching them again and doing the exercises. Its amazing that you feel you understand things until it comes to doing the exercises when you realise that you really don't understand things as much as you thought. For me the well chosen exercises and video solutions are a real game changer in getting your knowledge and skills up to speed as otherwise you are dependent on getting real world experience trying to solve real problems and spending years trying to get real knowledge that this course and its exercises and worked solutions help you achieve in a fraction of the time. The help you find and receive in the online discussion sections of this training, from other members and SQLBI staff (Marco, Alberto, Sergio), is also priceless. I hope they adopt this training format with all courses where it can be applied as its a real winner for me. I am now back to continue with the course exercises as I am currently on lesson 7 and there are 15 lessons to complete. Thank you SQLBI !

  • Catherine (Apr 10, 2024)

    Very helpful, Great demonstrations!

  • Boris Bastijancic (Mar 6, 2024)

    Challenging but decisive course.

  • Carlos Rodriguez (Feb 28, 2024)

    Very professional and valuable course to understand DAX in a deep level

Would you prefer a classroom course?

This video course is based on a classroom course we teach all around the world. If you prefer a classroom learning experience, take a look at the dates below for a list of our upcoming classroom courses!
 Calgary, AB, CA Sep 18-20, 2024
 London, England, GB Oct 14-16, 2024
 New York City, NY, US Oct 30-Nov 1, 2024
New York City
 Seattle, WA, US Nov 12-14, 2024
 Amsterdam, NL Nov 19-21, 2024
 Copenhagen, DK Dec 2-4, 2024
 Phoenix (Tempe), AZ, US Feb 18-20, 2025
 Dallas, TX, US Feb 24-26, 2025