Introducing DAX Video Course
This is an introductory video course about the DAX language. DAX is the native language of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and SSAS Tabular models in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. The training is aimed at users of Power BI, Power Pivot for Excel, and at Analysis Services developers that want to move the first steps with DAX.
The goal is to teach the DAX language using Power BI for all the examples. You can download the initial Power BI Desktop file used in the demos and repeat all the steps shown in the videos. The same concepts can be used also on Power Pivot and on Analysis Services Tabular. The course is made of 150 minutes of lectures. You can watch the videos at anytime and the system will keep track of your advances. Within the course you can download the slides and the initial Power BI file used in the demos.
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- Ali Nemati (Sep 5, 2023)
Thank you very much, it was very useful.
- Mahsati Zamanova (Aug 31, 2023)
Learned a lot, thank you for offering this course for free!
- Alberto Marchesi (Aug 30, 2023)
Very well shown and taught. Are a perfect rhythm of speaking and the use of slides and monitor. Linear development of course and very good balance and alternance between theory and practice; the same it’s between first explanations and useful insights. All together has made the video course really understandable and engaging.
- Josué Castro Alfaro (Aug 26, 2023)
Incredible experience!
- Curtis Kidd (Aug 23, 2023)
Great course, thank you for providing a great resource at no cost.
- Pullela Harish Chowdary (Aug 21, 2023)
Super good
- Nyan Htun (Aug 19, 2023)
thanks you so much , for shearing DAX Course totaily free
- Praful Gajbhiye (Aug 15, 2023)
Thank you very much for creating this course, for every new beginner it was personally recommended to go through this course.
- P SIDDARDHA (Aug 14, 2023)
Nice presentation
- Niro Perera (Aug 12, 2023)
Brilliant, it really helped to understand Dax/Power BI
- Mark Cimini (Aug 10, 2023)
Nice course. An issue: seems to be that as PowerBI updates, buttons and functions 'move' on the GUI. Perhaps add a slide to tell people to look for the used buttons on the current interface.
- Daria Katunina (Aug 8, 2023)
Thanks for this opportunity to learn and practice some DAX
- Aleksei Pavlov (Aug 7, 2023)
Great course! It would be great to have a little bit more theory about calculate, because some of the statements left unclear
- Brigit Sánchez (Aug 4, 2023)
Excellent course. Both teachers are wonderful. Thank you so much.
- Sara De Rossi (Aug 2, 2023)
Very well done! teachers and contents really great also the format!