This course is not a Power BI tutorial. It is focused on visualization principles. This course was recorded in 2017. The visuals may look a little outdated, but the concepts are valid as of today.
Designing dashboards seems like a simple task, thanks to modern BI tools. In reality, designing dashboards that bring value and that people want to use is not that easy. A good dashboard must follow specific rules and design concepts.
The Power BI Dashboard Design video course:
Explains how to design beautiful dashboards that people can use every day.
Is a high-level reference guide that you can come back to later. Software updates will not impact the concepts that you learn here.
Is not just theory; it shows real examples and comparisons between great dashboards and dashboards that are poorly designed.
Can help more people than just the designers! Anyone who creates dashboards can benefit from this course. Designers will learn usability tips that many tend to underestimate.
This course is for day-to-day users of Power BI who do not use DAX but create reports by using the Power BI visuals. It is not a fit for people who have never used Power BI, and it does not expose the underlying technical mechanics of a Power BI dashboard.
The video course is divided in four parts:
First, an explanation of what a dashboard actually is…
Second, a brief introduction to the features of Power BI, as a reminder for users of the tool;
Third and most important, the design concepts. We include 15 rules to design a perfect dashboard;
Last, the chart reference. Use it to pick the right charts based on the kind of data you have to display.
The course includes several samples and resources, and additional written material to further explain the topics discussed by the teachers.
Students have access to a private discussion area where they can interact with the instructors asking questions related to the lectures and the exercises.
The last section of the course classifies the visuals available in Power BI. This classification is also displayed in a single PDF that you can download for free. You can print or display this document to support your decision in choosing the right visuals for your dashboards.
El curso da tip interesantes, aplicables al 2023, dando tips por ejemplo de que graficas ocupar y lineamientos vastante extenso a seguir, que se pueden inplementar en graficas. sin embargo no esta enfocado al XU por lo que no se ven menus, botones, marcadores e imagenes back groun en figma que ayudan a tener un reporte profecional, pero por el valor, cumplo con tener lineamintos vastante interesantes y aplicables en el dia a dia.
Nicolas Rojas(Mar 22, 2023)
La solucion para todo, es el grafico de linea y bara. creo que falta creatividad en como usuario los otros graficos. pero interesante, me aporto algunas cosas que me hacen sentido.
Benjamin Kormos(Jan 6, 2020)
Hi guys, I know this topic is not your profession, but still in my opinion your other courses are so professional (like one of the bests wordwide) that this course looks "silly simple" compared to them, therefore I suggest you putting more emphasis on this part, including the topics like how to start building a dashboard going through the step by step, or how charts can lie (with examples), and so on.
Anyway, thanks for it!
Zolly(Oct 19, 2018)
Useful, to not make stupid mistakes.
Daniel Ă…kerhielm(Apr 24, 2018)
Some of the changes you guys made was made during the other one was speaking or covering the way the things were changed
Edwin Rotgans(Dec 28, 2017)
The course name is misleading: it is a layout course for one-page Power BI Reports.