Transferable vs. Untransferable Licenses

SQLBI offers premium video courses and subscriptions accessed through personal licenses, which come in two forms: transferable and untransferable. Each license has a specific duration and needs to be assigned to an individual to activate access.

  • Untransferable Licenses
    These licenses are tied to one individual and can be assigned by the license manager at any time, but cannot be reassigned to another user.
  • Transferable Licenses
    These licenses allow flexibility by enabling them to be reassigned among users throughout their valid period. Features include a customizable library system where users can "borrow" and "return" licenses as needed, optimizing training costs and maximizing the utility of each license.
    Managers can control license assignments, duration, and also monitor student progress.
More details on how licenses work


Here are the current prices of our content for both license types:
Untransferable Transferable
$349 $1390
$349 $1390
$349 $1390
$349 $1390
$349 $1390
$349 $1390
$99 $390
$99 $390